That Delicious Stuff In The Blue Box

“Mom, you are the best cook ever. This tastes SO good! I swear, this just might be the best thing you ever cooked. I love it! I bet you could be a cook in a fancy restaurant and make like a million bucks if you wanted…seriously.”  Jay-8

Do you take your Kraft Macaroni & Cheese with or without ketchup? Or, are you horrified just thinking about it?


A mother's plight to find the funny in the frustrating and save her sanity.
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33 Responses to That Delicious Stuff In The Blue Box

  1. LeRoy Dean says:

    I call it “kraft dinner”. Luv it! No ketchup, please.;)


  2. No ketchup, thanks. My kids tell me the same thing when I throw frozen Bagel Bites in the oven.


  3. Lenore Diane says:

    Hold the ketchup. But, when I was a kid, the only way I’d eat baked beans was mashed and covered in ketchup.


  4. Bearman says:

    I don’t do the ketchup but I would..haha


    • But, would you do Mac & Cheese with Nerds candy? “Hey, while Mom’s not looking, let’s pour this candy in our Mac & Cheese and see what happens. Seems like a good idea.” Just plan on spending the afternoon on the couch with stomach pains. 😉


  5. johncerickson says:

    No ketchup, thanks. And ain’t that typical of the kids? Slave over an intricate dish for hours, and it’s “Yea, it’s okay, I guess.” Pop some macaroni & cheese into a pot, and you get a Michelin 4-star rating! (I speak from experience – I was that typical kid. Fortunately, my mother was a forgiving sort. With me, she HAD to be! 😉 )


  6. I love Kraft mac n’ cheese. You may just be the best cook ever! Ha..ha..


  7. I love both… just not together. Although I know many people who enjoy a ‘melding’ of those complex flavors. I’m still trying to develop my palate, I guess. 🙂


  8. frigginloon says:

    The loon, quietly puts her hand up for “horrified”. 😦


  9. jsh0608 says:

    Mac n Cheese. Simple and easy to make. Oh and no ketchup please. :0)


  10. Tori Nelson says:

    Pass on the ketchup. I say hide the box and let those young’uns think you are a Top Chef. I still love that my toddler looks at me like a culinary angel when I serve him PB&J 🙂


  11. Tony McGurk says:

    I hate Macoroni cheese. The thought of tomato sauce (ketchup) on it just made me hate it more


  12. Lenore Diane says:

    I have to say this – have to. Every time I read the title of this blog, I think of Doctor Who. I’m on a Doctor Who kick – and well, he travels around in a blue box. One might say David Tennant is delicious, too. (Yes, I am behind on my Doctor Who.) Ok. Sorry. Don’t mean to post SPAM on your blog. Walking away now. Buh bye.


    • johncerickson says:

      You, my dear lady Lenore, are a lady of excellent taste. I haven’t been able to get into Matt Smith, despite being a Doctor Who fan for over 35 years. Enjoy Mr. Tennant while we still have him as the Doctor!


      • I must be living under a rock. I had to google Doctor Who. Have I been missing out? Does the blue box have “Kraft” printed on the front? And, does Doctor Who sit in the box and eat Mac & Cheese…with ketchup? 😉


      • johncerickson says:

        OK, let’s see. Doctor Who is an alien that travels through time, fixing things that get screwed up – kinda like Tim Taylor of “Tool Time”, ‘cept the Doctor knows what he’s doing. He travels around in a “police call box” (think British phone booth, but with no windows), almost always has a companion (primarily female, rarely male, for a while a robot dog (which I have a homebuilt copy of)), and has been played by .. gimme a sec … 11 actors in 10 incarnations (but it’s the same character) and has traded cheap Saturday-morning cardboard sets for funky CGI graphics. Oh, and he has an array of alien foes, including 6-foot tall salt-shakers called Daleks that have tried to run the universe, but couldn’t go up stairs until recently.
        There. Does that get it across pretty good, Lenore? 😀


        • johncerickson says:

          Whoops! Forgot to mention – the “police call box” is blue, hence the tie-in to your title.


          • Lenore Diane says:

            Too funny, John. The Tim ‘the tool time’ Taylor is an excellent reference. Well done! And my husband is not the biggest fan of Doctor Who, but he loves the episodes with the Daleks. He asks if we can watch those episodes again.

            Young America, it is worth your time to fancy an episode or two. I’m not a huge SciFi fan, in that I don’t watch much SciFi – but Doctor Who is… coning a British term, “Brilliant good fun!”


          • Lenore, I’ll take your word for it. I’ll make myself a bowl of that delicious stuff in the blue box, without ketchup, and settle in to watch an episode or two. I’ll keep you posted. 🙂


        • Thanks, John. It sounds crazy and entertaining…right up my alley. 😉 I’ll have to check it out!


  13. Maggie says:

    We love that dependable Blue Box. Always a hit! I mentioned ketchup to my one little boy and he loves it this way now. I do love fish stick sandwiches with Ketchup (white bread, fish stick and ketchup). It may sound odd but I find it delish! Has to have ketchup!


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