Jerry Garcia Has Seen Me Naked

Will:  Mom, what’s up with the strange guy in the shower? I hate how he’s always staring at me.

Me:  Try not to make eye contact. Maybe you’ll forget he’s there.

Will:  I’ve tried. I’m thinking about wearing my bathing suit from now on. I don’t want him to see me naked. It’s disturbing.

Me:  He freaked me out the first time I caught him staring at me. After a while, you get used to him. Don’t worry, he’s completely harmless.

Will:  How long has he been in there?

Me:  Dad found him in the shower a few months after we moved in. He thinks he adds value to our house. Sometimes he shows him off to friends.

Will:  So, who is he, anyway?

Me:  Have you ever heard of the Grateful Dead?

Will:  The Walking Dead?

Me:  No, not The Walking Dead…the Grateful Dead. Although, on some levels, there might be similarites.

Will:  Can I show him to my friends?

Me:  Sure. Maybe we’ll advertise to the public. We’ll put a sign in our yard…

Come see the world famous Jerry Garcia in our shower…only $5 a peek! 

Maybe we’ll get Jerry Garcia to fund your college education.

IMG_1138Jerry Garcia

Can you see him? 


A mother's plight to find the funny in the frustrating and save her sanity.
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18 Responses to Jerry Garcia Has Seen Me Naked

  1. That’s really cool, and kind of creepy. I don’t know how I’d feel about showering there either. 🙂


  2. i know I’d pay $5! I bet Jerry would totally appreciate being on tour again, if you catch my drift.


  3. ryoko861 says:

    Oh, that’s special! This is a job for Jay! With his entrepreneur insight, he could get mad bank for that!


    • You’re right. It’s just a matter of time before I have a line of 9 & 10-year-olds at my front door waiting to pay and see Jerry Garcia…even though they’ll have no idea who he is!

      “Hey, Jay’s mom! Can we come in and see the dead guy in your shower?”


  4. dad says:

    I enjoyed his music, but he was a controversial figure in his time. Many followed his band and worshiped the man. Others thought he was doing the devils work on earth. So who was right? Is an eternity spent watching our family shower heaven, hell or is it some sort of purgatory?


  5. dad says:

    I guess it depends on who is showering….someone once said that every silver lining has a touch of grey…


  6. Gray Dawster says:

    I think that $5 seems reasoable but I hope you keep a towel handy just in case the visiting hours change and you are already in there 🙂 lol I have sent you an invite Nancy so I hope that you will be accepting and calling by soon 🙂 Have a fun evening 🙂 xxx


  7. Somehow, knowing some of Mr. Garcia’s …. um … recreational products, I believe he would find being part of a shower a truly GROOVY experience. (Though you might need to pass some of those products out to get people to see the image. Of course, I can see it, but then again, me and Jerry probably have the same level of pharmaceuticals in our bloodstreams, even given his being dead! 😀 )


  8. Binky says:

    It would be really creepy if his eyes moved to watch you.


  9. Jerry Tile probably wouldn’t like staring at me, either.
    I’m pretty sure his Cherry Garcia is starting to do some damage.


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